5, Avenue du Temple
CH-1020 Renens
Website www.execal.ch
Information and contact
Ms Yoo-Mi Steffen
EXECAL Secretary
Email execal@ecal.ch
Email alumni@ecal.ch (email for the sole use of Alumni)
Tel. +41 (0)21 316 99 40
Monday to Friday (except Wednesday afternoon): from 9am to 5pm
The Secretariat communicates with ECAL alumni mainly by email and via its private groups on Facebook and LInkedIn.
Changing your personal data
To enable us to offer a reliable service, please indicate any relevant change in your circumstances:
- postal address
- email address
- telephone number
- last name
ECAL Alumni are invited to join the following private groups on social networks:
• Facebook: EXECAL - ECAL Alumni
• LinkedIn: ECAL Alumni
Published by: EXECAL / execal@ecal.ch
Code: Computed·By, Lausanne / www.computedby.com
In order to facilitate the reading of certain texts, we may, on occasion, have failed to use gender-neutral language. In such cases, we are clearly referring to both women and men.
All images published on this site, barring any exceptions mentioned in the credits or captions, are subject to copyright as follows: ECAL/First name + Last Name© EXECAL, October 2019